"Remarkable piano technique, meritorious ability in composition"

-Kim Plainfield

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At Nuwa we put together two important things together for the humanity.

One side my partner uses AI to paint like if Picasso was alive and I make music if Bach was alive. This is the best NFT project, to help animals and kids so far in the World!

Click to visit our NFT project Nu-Wa

The Udemy Class (For Piano Players)

As I was writing my books for the piano (more than 10700 pages) the most important thing was doing something can not be found in any other places, recordings and books. To improve music I also made sure about learning the best materials are not enough when it comes to understanding the music in general and the piano. Because it's a lot more important 'how to use them and how to approach', how to look at the compositional side of the Life. I call it 'Life' because music is something much higher than the ones happened before in the history. There are only few example that they reached certain levels that also improved the humanity. In this course I present The Piano Art with the informations are important (the key fundamentals) and the ones can not be found anywhere else but here.

Click for the Udemy class


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